

Skill Level: Medium
Yield : 3
Servings : 3
Prep Time : 5m
Cook Time : 5m
Ready In : 5m

Recipe Type: Desserts, Other Recipes
Tags: bananas, blend, blueberries, freeze, Frozen Fruit, Fruity Ice Cream Recipe, heavy cream, Omega Blender, Omega Juicers, omega recipes, Strawberries, sugar


  • 2 cups Frozen Fruit (Bananas, Strawberries, Blueberries, etc)
  • 1/2 cup of Sugar
  • 1 cup Heavy Cream


Step 1

Start by adding the fruit to the blender

Step 2

Add the sugar and 1/4 cup of the cream

Step 3

Blend all ingredients in your Omega Blender at speed 7, setting the timer for 4-5 minutes

Step 4

While blending, slowly add more of the cream through the removable cap on the lid

Step 5

Add more cream if the mixture does not meet your desired consistency

Step 6

Freeze the mixture for at least 30 minutes

**Omega has not tested all of the recipes and is not responsible for the outcome of any recipe. You may not achieve the results desired due to variations in ingredients, temperatures, times, typos, errors or omissions. Recipes with alcohol are intended to be made by adults of legal drinking age.